Ace of curls

Ace of Curls is a natural hair salon located in South Florida. We worked closely with the owner/operator to communicate her vision.

New Begginnings.

With the business being in its infancy, we had a lot of (creative) ground to cover. Our first project with AOC (Ace of Curls) was enormously valuable despite being on a smaller scale.

We went through the very extensive and expressive process of visual brand establishment to develop a stampable and sustainable logo.

The new AOC logo resembles a curl and reveals an ace in the blank space on the right hand side.


The visual brand establishment for AOC was such a success that we were granted the opportunity to work with AOC further. That’s when we realized we had big problems.

What's Important?

AOC didn’t have an identity. A logo is nothing to a brand if the brand has no meaning or purpose. The logo should be used as an identifier to the brand's message. It's like we were hair-dying a bald head.

So we took some time to grow the brand's non-visual branding. The important stuff that contains a brand's mission and values.



The owner, Teresa, gave us all she had. Then, we dove even deeper. With her help and support we revealed AOC’s strengths, pointed out its weaknesses, established its values, and uncovered its story.

Through Natural Hair, we cultivate experiences to change lives


To further Ace of Curl's brand establishment we styled it with a website—a utility of communication that connects people to the brand.


We are currently devising secret plans to connect people to AOC and evaluating how AOC will make its impact.